Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mostly Pictures

It has been quite a while since I've last updated and many things have happened, so I'll try and get down the highlights as best I can. It will probably be mostly about Aves.

Avery says "Mama" now. She started saying it on Labor Day (September 3rd). She also smacks her lips, claps her hands, blows raspberries and zurbits, and loves looking at lights. She loves turning the light switchs off and is currently working on turning them back on. She just noticed the moon the other night and was very impressed. She still doesn't like the waves too much when we're at the beach. We think it's the noise. She loves to sing and has started clapping at the appropriate times when we sing "If You're Happy and You Know It". She also loves to whisper. She likes eating Mom and Dad's food better than her cereal and strained fruits and veggies. She makes the most of it, though. She likes to scoop the food out of her mouth and fingerpaint. (She hasn't learned that it's easier to spit it out yet, thankfully). She isn't crawling yet, but she scoots around and is starting to lift her tummy off of the ground more. We play a game where she will call out, "Mama!" and I'll say, "Avery!" then she repeats, "MAMA!" and I say, "AVERY!" It's really cute. She opens her mouth really wide and tries to growl before she gives us big kisses.
Erik is really enjoying school. He's working in the Reading and Writing Center as an academic tutor. He has a couple of women following after him at school trying to flirt and get him to help with homework. It's a little annoying, but only really bothersome when they show up at our apartment at 10pm. Erik's had me and Avery walk him into class a few times and that's sloved most of the problem. He's helped even more than usual with Avery this past week. I've had outer ear infections in both ears and he's been a life saver.
I am doing well. I've been accepted to BYU-Hawaii for the Winter 2008 semester starting in January. I'm going into teaching, I'm just not sure what yet. Avery and I hang out during the day and have so much fun with Daddy when he gets home. I've been reading when I get the chance and life is great. Here are some cute pictures.

This is Avery at the beach a while back. She's wearing Daddy's shirt because the breeze is chilly.

Avery's first sink bath

Naptime. (she doesn't normally sleep like this, I just had to get a picture before I moved her)

Her First Oreo Cookie

New hat from Lil' Swimmers

Bundling up to go see Daddy at work

The only time she's ever worn a beanie here

Cheeseball Grin

So in love

Life is beautiful
